Calwa Park Master Plan

Calwa District (Fresno County), CA

Calwa Park has gone through different stages and has experienced decline and deterioration because of decreased property tax revenues as development in the area shifted away. Strong partnerships with the community and community organizations and different government agencies in the area have maintained the Park’s strength and presence through different stages of its history. Those partnerships and many years of ongoing collaboration are about to yield positive changes to the Park. Fresno BHC in collaboration with the District were awarded an implementation grant through the California State Park Prop68 program in 2019, which will fund renovations of the central section of the park. And the County of Fresno in partnership with Kaiser Permanente is providing much needed funding to build a brand-new aquatic center.
Calwa Park is at a pivot point in its history and will soon begin Lift Off! To make sure the new renovation projects are aligned with a long-term vision for the future of Calwa Park, and that the Park and Recreation District is geared up for the new attractions, Fresno BHC launched and funded this Master Plan in 2020. The Master Plan outlines a long-range vision for Calwa Park that responds to the community’s aspirations. It helps prioritize investments, align available funding, and build a road map to guide the efforts of the Board and its partners.


Type:  Planning
Location: Calwa District (Fresno County), California
Client: Fresno Building Healthy Communities
UDD Role: Project Manager & Community Engagement and Outreach