In 2015, EPA selected the City of Fresno as a Brownfield Area-Wide Plan grant recipient. Fresno received $175,000 to work with community stakeholders to develop a plan and implementation strategy for the Elm Avenue corridor.
Fresno’s Brownfields area-wide planning work builds on previous EPA brownfields grants and technical assistance, including the 2011 West Fresno Brownfields Action Plan. The City of Fresno identified several potential
“brownfields” along Elm Avenue in preparation for this plan. Three of these are identified as catalyst sites because of their potential to revitalize the neighborhood. Catalyst sites were chosen after a community stakeholder meeting and a tour of the corridor, and informed by previous research efforts and the priority sites listed in the West Fresno Brownfields Action Plan. Revitalization Plan engagement included a mix of targeted work with stakeholders and broad outreach to the community.
Type: Urban Planning – EPA Grant Project
Location: Fresno, California
Client: City of Fresno
UDD Role: Local Community Outreach & Urban Design