Fresno Parks 2050 envisions a robust park system made up of innovative recreational opportunities, preserved natural areas, multi-modal trails, and educational programs that equitably support a diverse, healthy population forming a valuable basis for our thriving community. Since the adoption of the 1989 Fresno Park Master Plan, little has changed for the park system, despite continued population growth and changing demographics. The purpose of the plan is to focus on a broad vision for the park system, looking 20+ years into the future. Fresno Parks 2050 comes at a critical time for the City. The General Plan, adopted in December of 2014, set forth policy guidance for open spaces and community facilities in Fresno. The General Plan established the overall goal for park acreage to be 5 acres per 1,000 residents with 3 acres per 1,000 residents for Community, Neighborhood and Pocket Parks. Fresno Parks 2050 will respond to the continued geographic and demographic conditions while identifying clear strategies for strengthening the park system. Analysis reinforces the gaps in service – neighborhoods lacking parks – that the community has described. The ongoing planning effort is carefully addressing how we measure parks and prioritizes neighborhood park amenities within walking distance of population centers.
Type: Urban Planning
Location: Fresno, California
Client: City of Fresno
UDD Role: Community Engagement and Outreach