The City of Fresno was awarded $66.5 million from the Transformative Climate Communities (TCC) grant program to implement the Transform Fresno Project, which encompasses 4.9 total square miles within the Chinatown, Southwest Fresno and Downtown areas of the City. Transform Fresno Project utilized a unique community participatory engagement process to identify community preferred list of projects to move forward. Mariposa Plaza project was one of the projects that community voted to be included. The Mariposa Plaza activation project refreshes a significant downtown plaza and enhances its connection to the future High Speed Rail station. It maintains its historic use as a place for public speaking and community events. Improvements will reinvigorate Mariposa Plaza as the gateway to downtown, create a more welcoming, vibrant, and comfortable public space for all users to enjoy on a daily basis, upgrade the site to successfully host small to medium gatherings and events, and be a support space for larger events off-site. It will also highlight and strengthen the Link between the Cultural Art District and the Brewery District on Ventura and Fulton and increase both daytime and nighttime activation.
Type: Planning
Location: Fresno, California
Client: City of Fresno
UDD Role: Community Engagement and Outreach